Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Non seasonal data is seasonalized by comparing the same month to the year before.  If the spread between two lines is widening then the job situation is better than the seasonal expectation.  And if the spread is narrowing the job situation is less good than normal.

The widest spread between blue 2012 and purple 2011 was in February.  By September the spread narrowed by 351,000 jobs, though this is hard to see on the scale of the chart.

Conclusion, job growth has gone a little negative over the summer and into the Fall.

Source is establishment data table B1 line two “Total private “.  Non-farm private sector jobs are the only important jobs.  The growth in government jobs at this point is destructive to the economy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Commercial & Industrial Loans trend

Boom Bust


See the bust 1990, then boom, then bust 2000, then boom, then bust 2008, and now we are at the trend line.  Let us just grow credit at the trendline and accept high unemployment as normal.
Doing otherwise means to me an attempt to create a more powerful government class at the expense of the private sector middle class.  Now the Fed has entered the politics with their part in the mortgage bail out.
Pricing capital so low and quantitative easing are an easy substitute for economic structural reform.  But it seems necessary as half the populous is greek/argentine so reform is impossible when having to overcome special interests is already near impossible that requires an educated and enlighted citizenry.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A main role of government

The government should try to make as many people as possible self sufficient.  The government does the opposite. It tries to make as many people dependent on government as possible.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Two Kinds of People

Consumptionist vs. Capital Accumulationist
Inflationist vs. Deflationist
#OccupyWallStreetist vs. Tea Partyist
Market Manipulationist vs. Free Marketist
Humanist vs. Religionist
Bailoutist vs. Let'em Failist
Europeanist vs. Americanist
Racialist vs. Color Blindist
Social Engineerist vs.Level Playing Fieldist
Moral Hazzardist vs. see bailoutist
Dependencyist vs. Self Sufficiencyist
Microists vs. Macroists

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where the Blame Resides

Just like during the dot com bubble, when Americans no longer aspired to become millionaires but billionaires, the greed of the citizenry during the housing bubble is where the real blame rests. Attempts to say it was all Wall Street, or all the Government, or both, while having truth, divert from the big picture truth of the culture in the U.S.